Inmate Calls from Jail Gives a Moral Support to the Prisoners

Having someone got prisoned in jail is really a tough time for the person and for their family and friends too. Being in jail blocks all the means of communication with the prisoner person. The management and administration of the prisoners are exclusively controlled and governed by the domain of the State Government under the Prisons Act, 1894. Though, the state government has the responsibility and the authority to modify the present prison laws, and rules and regulations. They decide whether the prisoner can make the inmate call from jail under certain laws and order. Moreover, the central government assists the state government to maintain and expand the security in prisons, to repair and renovate the old prisons, develop borstal schools, medical facilities, providing vocational training to the prisoners, facilities to women offenders, reconstructing and improving the infrastructure of the prisons, and to create high security enclosures. On several aspects of the prison administration, the Supreme Court of India has laid down the general principles regarding the custody and imprisonment. These are:

  • A prisoner doesn’t become a non-person
  • A prisoner will be entitled with all the human rights but within restrictions of the imprisonment
  • There will be no reasoning to aggravate the suffering that is already integral for the process of confinement.

Life of a prisoner:

Life of a prisoner is harder than what we all think it is. There is no doubt that the Indian jails are over-crowded and each prison compartment has the prisoners exceeding the compartment capacity. That is why, most of the time, the management there is not fair and balanced. The prisoners had to wait for so long to make inmate call from jail, and wait for their turn to have a family or lawyer visit. Prisoners, who can afford to pay the hiking fees of the lawyers, are given the priorities to contact with their family and lawyers. And those who can’t afford the fees, the lawyers aren’t visiting or contacting them. Therefore, some jails also consists a library to let the prisoner learn about the law and orders of the Prison Act and fight their own case.

Often, the prisoners are also involved in the vocational activities in the jail itself, such as carpentry and fabric painting. The art and handicrafts are then exhibited and sold. The earnings are then utilized by the prisoners for the facilities and amenities such as making inmate call from jail, easy payrolls, individual prison compartment, etc.

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