Authorities Focused to Save on Prison Calls

A prison is a place where the person is taken for the temporary or permanent duration under the general orders by the state government. Or in simple words, a person is a place where the people are bought for disobeying the law of the state and/or central government. Surely, people have freedom to take their decisions but for the sake of breaking the law. When a person is imprisoned, along with the life of a prisoner, his family’s and friend’s life also gets affected by the action. In addition, the prisoner person cannot call or communicate with the family and the lawyer. Even they are not allowed even to make a call to their family. Instead, the funds are transferred to the prisoner’s account by the family member to let the person make a call to them whenever in need. In this way, the authorities save on prison calls expense and the prisoners can make the call according to the balance in their account.

Though there is no specific provision for the prisoner’s calls and they are not allowed to make the call unless there is some exceptional condition. A governor has the authority to allow the prisoner to make the call in some urgent circumstances. The calls are generally monitored by the prison officer. The prisoners are not allowed to take their mobile phones with them in the prison area; therefore, they are facilitated to make calls using a prisoner telephone system (PTS). To make access over the prisoner telephone system and save on prison calls, an application is written to the prison authorities along with the list of phone numbers (only up to 10 registered numbers of people including family and lawyer). The list is then checked for the accuracy and potential receivers. A prisoner is not allowed to include the numbers of gaming agencies or telephone chat lines.

To save on prison calls expense, the PTS are blocked with the limited call duration and these calls are recorded by the prison authorities just to make sure that the prisoner is just having a formal conversation and not planning to escape from the jail or hurt someone. Though, the call is restricted to divert it on another number and/or participate in a conference call. Another way of communicating with the family and lawyer is through the exchange of traditional letters. There are no restrictions for exchanging the letters. Though, the incoming letters should only consist of the letters and photographs approved by the prison authorities.

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